Saturday, April 10, 2010

The nothing is in love with me.

Listening To: The Dirt (Nervosa version) by Showbread
Feeling: Epic stomach pain.

"...I want to open up my guts
And crawl inside to make a home
And nestle up inside the steaming softness silent and alone
I want to pull apart the things you think that matter
Cause to me nothing is everything just a vacant listless clatter
And I bury myself underneath myself
I will not reach or call for help
I want to do this on my own I want to feel it in my bones
I want to know the ugliness that wraps around me..."

Durrrrrr. So, now I've been working on my story, or at least one part of it, lately. The part of the Bloody Crow Creed (Or BCC, if I'm feeling lazy). I've gotten a few of the members done (Gotta work on the personalities and whatnot, though I have a vague idea for most of them. Very vague), and doodled them. I would post them here but they are so fail (Except the one of Sinclair is pretty, I think. ♥ Him and his eyepatch. I might post that one sometime soon).

And thus, (Not in the order I came up with them xD)

  • Crow (Leader), female
  • Amity, female
  • Leech, male
  • Chasm, male
  • Vienna, female
  • Atrophy, male (Thanks, Showbread, for the name idea D)
  • Sinclair, male (YOU PRETTY-BOY D8)
  • Apathy, female
  • Bogeyman, male (but you can't really tell which one he is D IT'S PART OF HIS ALLURE)

So, indeed. I can't really think of anything to post, for once, which is weird for me.

Listening To: So Selfish, It's Funny by Showbread

"...So tense are these nerves in any instance
Teeth snap and a toe taps the dirt
Cry like a baby and see if then maybe
The others will cherish your hurt
Never you see a cry or plea
consider another or first
Know this is your world
The harsh words you have hurled
Recall you are the one in need worse..."

So, I'm obviously loving that Flash is posting her blogs everyday. :D She never fails to make them interesting, even if she doesn't think she has anything good to say. Whereas, right now, I am failing.

Though, I'm going to try and edit my blog and make it look pretty and seizure-inducing and bright. Flash edited hers and says it was pretty easy, but then again, she is probably the smartest person I've ever met. xD She doesn't act like fourteen, let me tell you. She's just epic in general.

But now I'm getting off topic, grr. Whenever I start talking about Flash I always start saying good things about her like I'm trying to sell one of those faily products on TV like the ShamWOW! or the Snuggie (STFU, I know I have one, but it's WARM. WARM, I tell you!).

IF YOU ACT NOW, WE'LL THROW IN A FREE MERZ! CALL BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE, 1-800-GITAFLASH (warning: this is not a real number).

I am growing my hair out, though, still. I'm debating on whether to get it cut. ;c Everybody's telling me that they like it even better now that it's growing, but I still miss my short locks. I need to post a picture sometime soon, but I'll probably just wait until it supa-long or whatever.

2 Shouts From the Rooftops:

Flesh said...

I already have the Flash,can i get my Merz nao?keithnxbai

Merz said...

Sorry, too-late, so-slow. ;D