Wednesday, April 14, 2010

And how his guts were all suspended in his fingers.

Listening To: July, July! by the Decemberists
Feeling: Sick & Tired.

"...And the water rolls down the drain
The blood rolls down the drain
Oh, what a lonely thing
In a blood red drain..."

I am feeling very sick and tired today. I don't know why, since I slept so many hours last night and got up late this morning. ;C But my muscles are all weak and my eyes are dry and sore despite my glorious eye drops. My throat was sore yesterday, too, but it's not so much anymore; it still does and it's dry, but not as bad? o3o I'm not sure how to describe it, but I really want an ice cream sandwich right now.

Trying to brainstorm with Flash to RP something that doesn't immediantly fizzle out. Our theory is that if it's fantasy we could just throw a flying rainbow llama in and make things interesting and use a snapton of characters. This way, everything should be kept interesting FOREVER.


I have nothing much to post today except I think I'm going to work on the OC page here and then go fall asleep somewhere, probably. Whichever comes first. I just can't believe today's post was so short...I almost always have something to talk about, even if nobody cares. Maybe it's becoming boring for you guys because I'm posting blogs so often?

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