Your real name: That, I cannot tell. ;3 Call me Mercedes, though.
Age: Teenager
Height: 5'5
Natural hair colour: Brown.
Eye colour: Hazel.
Skin colour: EPIC PALE FAIL.
Glasses/contacts?: Nope. Sometimes I think about getting colored contacts - blue.
Piercings: Ears. Three in my right, two in my left.
Tattoos: No. Needles + me = faintage.
Braces: Not as of yet. Who knows what my parents might do D:
Other distinctive markings: I have a scar through my left eyebrow. I have some other scars, but none are as distinct as that one and the perfectly oval one on my leg.
Colour: Pink.
Band: Jonas Brothers.
Video game: Guitar Hero.
Movie: :< Er...maybe Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. Book: I have way too many of those, but any book by Sarah Dessen or John Green. Food: Anything sweet. Game on a cell phone: I have none D; I used to have a free trial of Pac-Man, and that was nice.
Flower: Cherry blossoms.
Scent: Vanilla, probably.
Animal: Cats. Or pugs. xD
Comic book: Death Note or Ouran High School Host Club.
Cereal: Golden Grahams. 8D Dad had some the other day and made me want them.
Website: Gee...there's a lot. Xat, because that's where Flash and I talk, Blogger, for my blog and the ones I read, and YouTube and DeviantArt because I waste a lot of time there.
Cartoon: (If you're talking about anime). Death Note/Ouran High School Host Club.
.:¦DO YOU¦:.
Play an instrument?: If you count Guitar Hero. ;D
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?: DUDENO. More likely on the computer.
Like to sing?: Yes, even though I fail.
Have a job?: I mow lawn in the summer. During the rest of the time, I write, and aspire to be a novelist. I consider writing a job, even though I'm not selling anything.xD
Have a cell phone?: Can't live without it, crazyface.
Like to play sports?: NO. /keysmash
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No.
Have a crush on someone?: Yes.
Live somewhere NOT in the united states?: No.
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?: Yes. xDD
Have any special talents/skills?: Writing? Doublejointed in some of my fingers?
Exercise daily?: The most excercise I get is picking up my sammich. :< (This is pretty much true xD) I'm not sure how I stay thin. xD Like school?: No. .:¦CAN YOU¦:. Sing the alphabet backwards?: I've never tried. xD But probably not.
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?: Sure.
Speak any other languages?: I know incredibly little Japanese.
Go a day without food?: I have before, but I don't like to.
Remember your dreams: Most of the time.
Read music, not just tabs?: No. D:
Roll your tongue?: What? xD
Eat a whole pizza?: I've never tried...I think it's time for a pizza >8D
Won something in the lottery?: *shakes head sadly*
Snuck out of the house?: No. xD
Lied to get out of trouble?: Yes. Long time ago. D: I don't do that anymore.
Had a computer crash?: I think so.
Seen a shooting star?: No.
Been to any other countries?: No.
Had a serious surgery?: No.
Stolen something important to someone else?: No. D: I did steal a guy's heart once but I didn't know it. xD;
Solved a rubiks cube?: .__. No. I want one!
Gone out in public in your pyjamas?: Yes. xD
Cried over a girl?: xD Not in a romantic way like the question might imply. But more like, 'Why is she so freaking bipolor D:' Friends are tough, yo. xD
Cried over a boy?: Of course.
Kissed a random stranger?: No.
Hugged a random stranger?: I don't think so...I would love to though 8D
Been in a fist fight?: xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd No.
Been arrested?: No.
Done drugs?: Nope.
Had alcohol?: No. D; I've been offered, but I've refused.
Laughed and had something come out of your nose?: Yuck, no D:
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?: No, what, do I wanna get STUCK in it? D8< Sneaked into the opposite sex's bathroom?: No. Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?: xD No, I'm homeschooled. Swore at your parents?: D: Of course not. Kicked a guy where it hurts?: I've been tempted. ;D Been to a casino?: No. Ran over an animal and killed it?: DDD: NO. Gotten stitches?: Yes. Had a water balloon fight in winter?: No, I'd die. And so would my frinds. They're a bunch of wusses. I oughta ship Flash over here from Latvia. Now, I think SHE could have a could water fight. Made homemade muffins?: Not from scratch. Bitten someone?: ...Yes. xD Been to disneyland/disneyworld?: No. Burped in someone’s face?: No, that's just repulsive.
Brushed your teeth: This morning.
Cried: Last night.
Went to the bathroom: I don't know, a couple of hours ago? xD What kind of question is that?
Saw a movie in a theatre: I think the last movie I saw was Twilight.
Read a book: The book I'm currently reading is The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen but the last one I read was Along For the Ride, by Sarah Dessen. xD After the one I'm currently reading, I only have Someone Like You to read and then I've read all her books (Obviously not reading How To Deal, because it's just two of her books put together).
Had a snow day: Last winter.
Had a party: Like, never. xD
Went to a doctor: I don't know. I think it was for my stomach problems.
Tripped in front of someone: Few months ago.
Went to the grocery store: Um...I don't kow. I leave that to the Parental Units.
Got sick: The other day. D: I was all shakey and sore throat, but only for that day.
Got cursed: I hope never.
Called someone: Yesterday.
Fruit/vegetables: Fruit.
Black/white: Black.
Lights on/lights off: Off.
TV/movie: Equal.
Body spray/lotion: EQUALSMEX.
Cash/cheque: Cash.
Pillows/blankets: Blankets and my favorite pillow.
Headache/stomach ache: Stomachache, but I suffer from both a lot.
Paint/charcoal: Never used charcoal, so paint, i guess.
Chinese food/Mexican food: Chinese food.
Summer/winter: Winter.
Snow/rain: Rain.
Fog/misty: Mist is a must. ;D xDD
Rock/rap: Rock.
Meat/vegetarian: Meat. I need mah bacon.
Chocolate/vanilla: Both.
Sprinkles/icing: Icing
Cake/pie: Cake.
Strawberries/blueberries: Both.
Ocean/swimming pool: Swimming pool, so I can set on the edge. 8D I cannot swim.
Cookies/muffins: Cookies.
Wallet/pocket: Neither. I say purse, good man, purse.
Window/door: Door.
Charles Chaplin/Chespirito: Lolwut?
Pink/purple: Pink.
Cat/dog: Both.
Long sleeve/short sleeve: Short sleeves.
Pants/shorts: Pants.
Winter break/spring break: Winter break. It means Christmas is comin'.
Spring/autumn: Spring.
Clouds/clear sky: Clear sky.
Moon/mars: Moon.
Questions/Answers: Answers. I have too many questions.
War/Peace: n/a
.:¦ABOUT YOU¦:. I...
Am: a writer obsessed with music, boys, and books.
Want: Some cream of wheat. OM NOM NOM.
Need: Sleep.
Love: Bella, my favorite pug.
Hate: Pimento cheese spread.
Feel: Tired.
Did: clean my bathroom yesterday (It looks nice and shiny now.
Miss: FLASH. Wish you were here, yo.
Am annoyed by: Math.
Would rather: Go to sleep and get up at 12pm. But this is called "life."
Am tired of: All these ignorant fools around me.
Will always: Have a NASTEH temper.
What is your favourite genre of music?: Alternative.
What time is it now?: Not late enough. o-o
How much money do you have right now?: None.
Are you hungry right now?: YUS.
What are you doing right now?: This. 8D
Do you like parades?: I guess so. I was more big on them when I was a kid.
Do you like the moon?: Yus.
What are you going to do when you're done with this?: Find another, or read someone else's. xD idk.
If you could have any magical power what would it be?: Um...super awesome special sexy transformation? xD
No, rly though, you would think mindreading, but knowing what everyone thought would just crush my little spirit. So maybe flying or something. xD
Funny?: Somtimes.
Cool?: Oh, no, I'm a nerd. ;D
Pretty?: You'd have to ask someone.
Sarcastic?: I inherited that from someone named "Dad."
Lazy?: Yes. xD
Hyper?: Only around my bffs. xD
Friendly?: No.
Evil?: xD Maybe a little?
BC: Whuh?
Me: Sure? xD
Unforgettable?: Depends on what I'm remembered for. xD
Smart?: Sure, why not.
Strong?: No, Im weak. xD I can barely open heavy metal-and-glass doors.
Talented?: Probably not.
Dorky?: I prefer chic-geek. ;o
High: The sky.
Lonely: Old memories.
Pen: Stories.
Flower: Cherry blossoms.
Window: Computers. xD
Psycho: Myself, on writer's block. AKA, right now.
Brain freeze: Ice cream.
Strange: Flash. But only in the best ways, dear.
Sassy: Sassylashes, the name of the Ghost Hunter guy's cat. xD And Home Depot, his other cat...
Suffering: My poor back. D:
Art: Flash.
Sky dive?: Maybe, if I had guts.
Run away?: No.
Curse at a teacher?: No.
Not take a shower for a week?: Yuck D: Of course not.
Ask someone out?: Maybe.
Unscrew your cellphone too see what's inside?: No, I'd never get it together again. xD
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?: No.
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?: Yes. LET'S JAPAN IT, FLASH. Or Latvia it. xD
Go scuba diving?: No, can't swim.
Write a book?: xD I have. Just not published.
Assemble a computer?: No. I might one day. I do have the master as my father.
Become a rock star?: You need some sort of singing talent for that, which I lack.
Have a long-distance relationship?: I have.
Marry someone you don't know?: No.
What kind of computer do you have?: Windows and it's craptastic Vista.
What grade/level of studies are you in?: HIGHSCHOOL. It fails.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Realized by Merz when the clock struck 3:53 AM
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