Wednesday, September 23, 2009


xD My iSister Flash found this, and we decided to do it with our OC couple, Ric and Froze (Ric being my character). But I will be skipping a few questions. xDDD;

FULL NAME: Ricford James Hails
MEANING: xD; Well, "Rick" was his father's name, and the Ford brand was his father's favorite brand of truck. They wanted something unique, so they put them together and pronnounced it as "Rick-ferd."
MEANING: Because he hates his name xD
ACTUAL AGE: 17/37 (Depending on if we RP them with their kids)
RESIDENCE: A apartment in USA? o3o When he gets married he moves to Japan and becomes a CEO, so then they live in a fancy epichouse.
BIRTHDAY: January 15th
SPECIES: Human/shapeshifter (Depends on the RP)
ALLERGIES: He's allergic to grapes. xDD
OCCUPATION: First, he was just an heir to his fortune, but later on his became a CEO and made more money. :3 Like, millionare.
MARITAL STATUS: He got married later on. :3
THEME SONG(S): As Lovers Go by Dashboard Confessional, I Wanna by All-American Rejects, and Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice (Because he's WHITE like that xDDDD)
APPEARANCE: xD Um, see all the following information.
HAIR COLOR: Silvery-white because he dyes it, orange naturally.
HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: To the middle of his back, and I guess...a chunk over his eye sometimes.
EYES COLOR: Silver with contacts, but naturally green.
EYESIGHT: Poor enough that he had to have glasses, but as previously mentioned, he got colored contacts.
HEIGHT: 5'10
WEIGHT: 148 lbs.
OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: Tight shirts, skinny jeans, omnipresent leather jacket.
ABNORMALITIES(TAIL): xD None. Unless you count dyed hair.
SELF CARE(MAKE UP): Ric does not wear makeup, gosh. :<
BODY TYPE/BUILD: Thin but still somewhat of a muscle-bag
DEFAULT EXPRESSION: Smiling with a pervy look in his eyes ;D xDDD
POSTURE: Good. Straight. xD
DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: O_O Well, I would say it was past puberty, but not real deep. Just really soothing and always with a happy note in it.

MOM: Renee Hails (Her maiden name was Leww)
HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: They got along great, but she's deceased. She died when he was 14.
DAD: Rick Hails
HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: They got along great, too, but he died in the car crash with Ric's mom.
SIBLINGS: Skylar Hails
HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: They have the sibling comraderie. Skylar's always beating him over the head with something. xD
CHILDREN: Rosalyn (Played by Flash) and Austin Hails.
HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Great, except they always come in on him and Froze when they kiss. xD
OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS: His evil uncle, Nicholos Hails. D:<
PAST LOVA(S): xD Kelsey Foster, a bunch of scene, goth, emo girls
CURRENT LOVA: Froze Rempli
ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS: Very well. He's a CEO, after all.
HOW SOCIABLE(LONER,ETC): Mostly a loner except all those girls he dated.x D
FRIENDS: xD Um, Paul and Dingo.
PETS: I guess Tiff, Froze's cat, became his pet, too, when they got married.
LEAST FAVORITE TYPE OF PERSON: Evil people who are moneygrubbers like his uncle.
AFFINITY WITH...: xD If you mean attraction, that would be Froze.
FAVORITE PEOPLE: Froze Rempli, Paul, Dingo, and probably his friend Hatchet. :o

..WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM: "Hey, I'm Ric. It's nice to meet you. :3" xD He would be very happy and friendly. And optimistic.
..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY LIKE YOU): "Let me cook you something!" Ric cooks for the people he loves and for his close friends and stuff.
..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY DISLIKE YOU): "OMG GTFO D:<" xDDD Actually, he'd probably just kind ignore you until you went away.
FAVORITE FOOD: Sausage and rice.
FAVORITE ELEMENT: Um, probably air.
FAVORITE REMEMBERED MOMENT IN LIFE: When Froze said yus to marrying him. :3 Or when they had their kids. Before all that, it was probably their first kiss.
LEAST FAVORITE ANIMAL: Spiders. He'll squeal like a little girl.
MOST HATED MOMENT IN LIFE: When his parents died.
HOBBIES: Cooking, music
USUAL MOOD: Happy, carefree
DRINK/SMOKE/DRUGS: xD There was that one time, involving mint Mojitos and beer, Skylar's dress and hair barrettes, a bra (Etc.)...xD But that was the last time he had copious amounts of alcohol. No drugs or cigs.
DARK VERSION OF SELF: Emo, moody dude with a toothpick hanging out of his mouth, glaring at the world. Usually he is this dark version when his kids do something stupid. xD
LIGHT VERSION OF SELF: Happy, bouncy, skinny-jeans-wearing lover of Froze. xD
HOW SERIOUS ARE THEY: Half-serious, half-not.
BELIEVE IN GHOSTS: Yes. His friend was haunted by one, and eventually married her O;...
(IN)DEPENDANT: He depends on Froze for lurve, but he can do everything else himself.
OPINION ON SWEARING: He doesn't do that stuff. O: Though who knows what he did that one time with the Mojitos.
MUSIC TYPE: Alternative.
MOVIE TYPE: Action with a sprinkle of romance.
BOOK TYPE: Mystery with a dash of romance xD
GAME TYPE: Action with lots of blood and gore.
SLEEPING PATTERN: He would sleep all day long and all night long if he didn't have an alarm.
CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: Eh, he doesn't care much either way, but he's not anal.
DESIRED PET: Fish. o3o
HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: Froze. xD And music.
BIGGEST SECRET: xD Um, that he thinks he looks really pretty?
HERO/WHO THEY LOOK UP TO: Paula Deen and Gordon Ramsey. xD But Gordon's cursing is a bit much to handle. (Dude, he acts so gay. xD Poor man)
WHAT ANIMAL WOULD THEY BE: Wolf. His shapeshifter form. xD It used to be a cat.
FEARS: He fears death. And spiders. xD
COMFORTS: Froze, familarity, and his family.
DRUNK TYPE: xDD The type that puts on lady clothes and talks about how pretty he is?
SPECIAL ABILITIES/MAGICS: Shapeshifter into a wolf, sometimes.
HOW DID THEY GET SAID MAGICS: Err...born with it? It skipped a generation in his family.
WHICH "7 DEADLY SINS" ARE THEY MOST LIKE: (lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride): Pride.
WHICH "7 VIRTUES" DO THEY HAVE: (chastity, abstinence, leberality, diligence, patience, kindness, humility): Patience. xD

ROMANCE MOVIE: The goofy-alt guy who wins out in the end.
ACTION MOVIE: The hero who walks away from the explosion with cool sunglasses on and doesn't look back. 3
CARTOON: The one who gets hit with things and pops back up a lot. xD
HORROR MOVIE: The first one to get killed. xD
LABYRINTH: Um...he'd probably be the one who found all the items to get out of the labyrinth because he's smart. xD Unless there was a dude killing people, like in SAW. Then he'd probably end up dying.
PRINCESS BRIDE: He'd be the cross-dressing princess bride. xD And at the end, at the alter with the prince, he'd flip up his veil and go, 'BWAH! You've been Punk'd!' xD And run away. In a wedding dress xD

SAD: He mopes around and listens to very emo music.
HAPPY: He's extra pervy. :3 xDDD
ANGRY: He cooks a lot. xD And he bangs things around in the kitchen.
AFRAID: Hide behind Froze.
LOVE SOMEONE: Extra pervy, again? xD
HATE SOMEONE: Ignore them until they went away, while he rolled his eyes and made loud sighs.
WANT SOMETHING: He'd waggle his eyebrows a lot and smile in a perverted way? xDDD
CONFUSED: Furrow his brow and stroke an imaginary beard.

DANGER: He goes all James Bond and then falls on his face.
SOMEONE THEY HATE WHO HAS A CRUSH ON THEM: "Omgnuu D:" And then he might be mean just to prove he hates them. xD
PROPOSAL TO MARRY: If Froze had proposed to him he would've been eastatic, but it was the other way around. xD And Froze was just like, "*Frown* 'Kay, I guess."
DEATH OF LOVED ONE: Lots and lots of manly crying.
DIFFICULT GAME/MATH/ETC: He's good at math, but he's a businessman.
INJURY: He'd act all tough but then try to play the pity card so Froze would take care of him. xD
SOMETHING IRRESISTABLY CUTE: He'd glomp it, like a true man.
LOSS OF HOURS OF WORK: "I hope I don't lose my job...but I suppose I am quite rich. It'll all be okay."

BIOGRAPHY: Here's his...err...Story? xD Or a short thing, whatever.

Ricford James Hails leaned against the window, looking out at the world. He was sitting on the window seat, one of his favorite places, with his long silvery-white hair, reaching to the middle of his back, falling into his face.
He pushed it out of his eyes. And even though it took a lot to take care of it, making him feel slightly like a girl, he did so anyway, as was his style.
He didn't used to dye it, though. Only after his parents had died in that car crash, on their way to pick him up from his first day at high school, finally a freshman, had he started to dye his hair, and that was to rebel against his uncle.
Ric's parents were incredibly wealthy, yet down-to-earth people. They were also rather....creative, and artistic. They had chosen his real name, his full name, "Ricford," by taking his father's name, "Rick," taking off the "K," and adding the "Ford," which was his father's favorite brand of truck, and pronouncing it, "Rick-ferd."
Needless to say, he'd always made sure to go by Ric.
But when his parents died, he was sent to live with his uncle, a terribly cruel man obsessed with wealth. He wanted the good things in life, and because Ric was under eighteen when his parents died, through laws and different factors, his uncle had gotten his money to whittle away, while he left Ric unattended, yet determined to cut his hair.
Ric rebelled by, one day, happening across dye that wasn't gray, but silvery-white. He dyed his hair, found a real-leather jacket (On sale, even), started wearing skinny jeans and tight clothes, and even worked out to give his muscles definition.
But one day, he found out, through his uncle finding it, that he had a half-sister named Skylar that his mother had birthed, out of wedlock, before she met his father. He was shocked to meet her, and even more shocked that she had been given up for adoption.
Skylar was given her name before the adoption, though, and once her adoptive parents found out she had a half-brother, they wondered if it were best to not just send her to her uncle, where she could live with him and her real family.
When Ric met Skylar Wicke (The adoptive last name, which she later changed to Hails), they hit it off, bonding instantly, feeling like they had known each other their whole life; the closest of siblings. They were quite similar, Ric being slightly emo and Skylar being full-on scenester, but though the siblings wanted to live together, Ric urged her to stay with her adoptive parents because the evil of their uncle. She agreed, but convinced her adoptive parents to let her switch schools to Bacardia High School, where Ric was going.
In Ric's senior year, even though he was only seventeen (He had been able to skip a grade because of his intellectual talents), he moved out of his uncle's mansion, and sued him for what was left of Ric's money, and to replace the money he had used, as well. His uncle had invested in stocks and was now quite the rich man, and when Ric won the case, he grudgingly handed it over, wanting nothing more to do with him.
One day -in Ric's senior year, once again- he meet Deneve "Froze" Rempli, a girl of French decent with a rather crazy attitude. She was arrogant, stick-thin, and not much on the friendly side. Ric fell in love at first sight, though he had never believed in such a thing as love at first sight before.
He somehow convinced the...unique...girl to become his girlfriend, and eventually his wife. They had two kids, twins, Rosalyn and Austin, though Froze was not sure about either situation, the marriage or the children.
Ric had been able to convince Froze of a lot of things, and now, he was finally happy because of it. And he realized, even if he had never gotten the money, if he would've only gotten Froze, he would've lived his life just as happily.
Because the key was Froze. The key to his heart, to clear away the darkness and guilt he felt about his parents. The key to the loneliness. The key to his very life and soul itself, was this one woman.
And as he reflected back on his past, staring out the window, he had no idea that Froze and his twins were watching him, wondering what he was thinking about, but unable to interrupt him with such a peaceful look in those silvery eyes.
FIRST APPEARANCE: In my book? Chapter 9 (But I need to do editing.) In the RP? Well, the very first post? xD

LANGUAGES: English, Japanese, and French. O: (xD I only know English, durr, and a few Japanese words.)
SCHOOLING LEVEL: He went to college a few years later and got a PH.d.
EXPERTICE: In business? Very well. That was his major in college. He studied cooking as his minor.
PUZZLES: They frustrate him but he can do it.
MATH: Excellent.
GEOGRAPHY: Excellent
POLITICS/LAW: Excellent.
COOKING: Excellent
MYTHOLOGY: Excellent.
READING LEVEL: Um, adult level? xD I don't know.
HOW GOOD ARE THEY AT PLANNING AHEAD: Terrible. D; Except when he planned to knock up Froze with their children.
IMPULSIVE/STRATEGY: He can strategize a good plan sometimes. xD

GO SLOW VS JUMP INTO: He had to go slow with Froze.
TYPE OF KISSER: Passionate? xD
DO THEY WANT KIDS: Had them, later on.
DO THEY WANT TO MARRY: Married, later on.
WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ON THEIR DREAM DATE: He would cook dinner, watch a movie, and walk along the beach? xD

*Some questions were removed xD

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Nommin' ur brains while I suck ur blood while I kick ur bum with mah horse hooves

[x] You are rather wild, and let your instincts run you.
[ ] You get drunk a lot.
[ ] Bravery and boldness is second nature to you.
[x] You have a deep love for astronomy and the universe.
[x] You like to read your daily horoscope.
[x] You have a high level of pride in yourself. (Someteimes. .__.)
[ ] In the woods is the best place for you to be.
[x] You are spiritual.
[ ] The horse is your favorite animal.
[x] You are possessive and territorial.
Total: 6

[ ] Your ears are slightly pointed at the tips.
[x] You are very intelligent. (I'd like to think so. xDD)
[ ] Your five senses are extremely keen.
[ ] Your weight is quite a bit lighter than the average person at your particular height.
[ ] You always wear elegant clothes and speak as politely as possible.
[x] You are most at peace when you are gazing at something beautiful, like nature. (Forget nature. Put in "computer screen." xDD)
[ ] You look very young for your age.
[ ] You rarely get sick.
[ ] You are a very hard worker.
[x] Above all other superpowers, you would love to read minds or see the future. (I don't know about this one...I don't know if I'd like what I would find.)
Total: 3

[ ] You are happy a lot of the time.
[ ] The best superpower to you would be to fly.
[x] You are very shy.
[ ] You love the forest and plant life in general.
[ ] You are always willing to help others, even if you might not be the best to offer aid.
[ ] You are young and short.
[ ] Dancing is one of your favorite pastimes.
[x] If someone ticks you off, you are very clever with getting them back.
[x] Your clothing isn't always presentable, but you are comfortable with what you wear.
[x] Circles are a wonderful symbol of unity to you.
Total: Aww, only 4 D;

[ ] You are excellent with crafts and handiwork.
[x] In social situations, you tend to be a little awkward.
[ ] You are short for your age.
[x] You are an isolationist. (In real life, I guess. xD)
[ ] You love to play practical jokes on people.
[x] You are extremely fascinated with jewelry. (I have a lot of it 8D)
[x] You look older than your age. (I've been mistaken for eighteen. xD)
[ ] You love the woods and the mountains.
[ ] You are well off, or come from a family that is well off.
[x] You have a short temper.
Total: 5

[ ] You are best at talking bad about people behind their backs and not to their face.
[ ] When you are annoyed, you will go to a great extent to torment whoever did so to you.
[ ] You often take things that aren't yours.
[x] You are easily angered.
[ ] Death fascinates you.
[x] You are female, or a feminine-looking man.
[ ] You associate yourself with the wind element.
[x] You can switch quickly between your light and dark side.
[ ] You love to trick others.
[x] You have a ravenous appetite.
Total: 4

[ ] You love the beach more so because of the water than the shore itself.
[x] Fish are some of the most beautiful creatures to you. (I used to have some pretty ones.)
[ ] The ultimate superpower to you would be to breathe underwater.
[ ] You enjoy looking at ships, but not riding them, as well as you like ships for traveling, not hunting in the sea.
[ ] You are good at swimming.
[x] You like to collect shells.
[x] You use sea items as jewelry or decoration.
[ ] You enjoy learning about the ocean and the life inside it.
[ ] You are extremely against ocean pollution, and someday, perhaps (if you haven't already), you will work to stop that.
[ ] Legs on land are not as important as a fin in the sea.
Total: 3

[x] You're a night person.
[ ] You have a fascination with blood.
[x] You are extremely pale.
[ ] You wish you had a bat as a pet.
[ ] You are not religious at all.
[x] Tight spaces are not scary or uncomfortable for you.
[x] The sun's glare annoys you all too often.
[ ] You hate food with lots of garlic in it.
[x] To you, a kiss on the neck is more romantic than a kiss on the cheek or lips.(xD It actually depends, really.)
[x] You don't like sharp objects near you. (Haha, yeah.. ;S)
Total: 6

[x] The full moon is the most beautiful scene to you.
[ ] You have a lot of body hair.
[ ] The ability to shapeshift is the best superpower to you.
[ ] You prefer gold over silver items.
[x] You lack self control.
[x] You find it easier to have sympathy for animals than for humans.
[x] You have a deep respect for wolves and wild dogs.
[x] You like to be alone. (Depends, again xD)
[ ] You have a terrible secret and you only tell people you trust 100% about it.
[ ] You'd rather be outdoors than indoors.
Total: 5

[] You love chemistry.
[x] You are intuitive and good at analyzing people, to the point that people seriously or jokingly say you're psychic.
[x] The most amazing supernatural power to you is controlling the elements.
[ ] You are a nature lover.
[ ] You have a strong sense of responsibility (you use your talents positively).
[x] You spent a lot of time alone.
[ ] You usually hang around with a certain animal all the time when you feel lonely.
[ ] You are spiritual, but not necessarily religious.
[ ] Cooking is one of your favorite things to do.
[ ] You enjoy learning about Wicca and the occult.
Total: 3

[x] You are pale
[x] You are hungry a lot.
[x] Many activities you do every day make you feel mindless, or like a drone.
[x] Most of the time you or a part of you is cold.
[x] You love to eat meat.
[ ] You would resort to cannibalism if that was the only source of food.
[ ] You make grunts and moans a lot.
[ ] You enjoy learning about psychology because you study the brain.
[x] You usually walk slow.
[ ] You are not afraid of seeing a lot of blood or getting a lot of blood on yourself.
Total: 6

xDDDD I guess I'm a centuar, zombie, or vampire. xD Lovely.

100 Truths

001. Name - D: Can't tell my real one, sorry. 99 truths? xD
002. Nickname - Merz/Mercedes/Merce, etc.
003. Status - If you're talking relationships, single. If you're talking mood, apathetic. xDDD No, not really, actually, my mood is..."fine" I guess?
004. Zodiac sign- Aquarius.
005. Male or female - Female.
006. Elementary - xD Passed the elementary school mark in my life.
007. High School - In this terrible pit of doom right now.
008. College - Will go there. ;D To which one, I don't know. But I'm majoring in journalism, minoring in politics, and taking a class in Asian studies, among my other crap. xD
009. Smart - I've been told that before. xD
010. Hair color - Blonde.
011. Long or short - Short.
012. Loud or Quiet - Quiet around most people because I'm shy, but around the people I know the best I'm loud.
013. Sweats or Jeans – Jeans.
014. Phone or Camera - Camera phone? o;
015. Health freak - Absolutely not. xD
016. Drink or Smoke? - Neither.
017. Do you have a crush on someone? - Yes.
018. Eating or Drinking - Eating. xDD
019. Piercings - Yes. Three in one ear, two in the other. xD I wanted a fourth one for the ear, up higher, but it would've been too painful for me to handle, I'm sure. xD
020. Tattoos - Heck no. I can't even think of anything I'd want for the rest of my life. And I can't stand needles. I literally get woozy at the sight of it, or of blood (In real life, not the movies. xD)

023. First piercing - Ears.
024. First best friend - Um...a girl named Candie. Long ago.
025. First award - xD Oh jeez. Something my parents printed out for me being a good student? Something lame like that.
026. First crush - xD Celebrity, my first *srsfais* one was Jesse McCartney. In real life, this one dude I pined after that I saw at a festival. xD
027. First pet – Snickerdoodle. Still have him, too. D: Old cat is old. (Notrly. He's, like, nine or something)
028. First big vacation - To New Orleans, I'd say.
030. First big birthday – Um...I can't remember. Might've been ten. But the only reason it was big is because it was the only birthday party I ever had. xD Only family, too. It's sad.

049. Eating - Last thing I ate was some Asian stir fry. Or something like that. xD It was Asian, i know.
050. Drinking - Last thing I drank was water.
052. I'm about to - Reply to a roleplay post with Flash? xD
053. Listening to - L Theme B
054. Plans for today - Going to Youth Group after RP'ing with Flash for awhile

058. Want kids? – Oh, no. No, no, no, please no.
059. Want to get married? - Yes. 8D
060. Careers - Journalist to make money while I write mah novels. So, ultimately, novelist.

068. Lips or eyes - Eyes. But lips are important for quite a few things. xD
070. Shorter or taller? – Taller. ;3
072. Romantic or spontaneous - Romantic.
073. Nice stomach or nice arms - I like more of the lanky type, but I guess manchest. xDDDD
074. Sensitive or loud - Sensitive. x3
075. Hook-up or relationship - Relationship only.
077. Troublemaker or hesitant - Hesitant. xDD

080. Lost glasses/contacts - No.
081. Ran away from home - No.
084. Broken someone's heart - Once.
085. Been arrested - No.
087. Cried when someone died – Yes. .__.

089. Yourself - Once in awhile. xD
090. Miracles – Yes. I've witnessed it.
091. Love at first sight – No.
092. Heaven - Yes.
093. Santa Claus - No.
094. Sex on the first date - O_O Ew, no.
095. Kiss on the first date - Probably not. A nice warm hug, though, would be nice.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now – Yes.
o98. Are you really happy with where you are in life? - No, not really.
099. Do you believe in God - Yes.
100. Post and tag whoever. - xDD Anyone. Or steal it, like I did. :D

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

1) First list all your OC’s by first name so we can see your list of all your wonderful OC’s.
Will only list ten because I have too many. @_@
Ric, Skylar, Austin, Atone, Corinna, Rita, Audree and Auden, Hatchet, and Justice.

2) Who is your favorite OC?
Err...probably caught in a three-way tie between my bishies Hatchet and Ric, and then the cute little scenester, Skylar.

3) Who is your least favorite?
xD Um, maybe Austin, but only because he's a wimp and I don't play him much.

4) Who is your most developed?
Ric, for sure.

5) Which OC would you want to date if they magically came to life?
Ric, Atone, and Hatchet. xD So, basically, all of them except Auden, because I think he wouldn't be serious enough.

6) How many girl OCs do you have? Boy OCs? It OCs?
Five guys, five girls. o3o

8) Name one thing you regret about one of your OCs.
Auden is maybe a bit too 'LOLGUISE' all the time. xD

9) Which of your OCs do you think would make the best father/mother/it parent out of all your OCs and why?
Ric is already a dad, so yeah, I guess he's a good father. xD

10) Which of your OCs do you think will most likely be put in jail?
Justice. xD Maybe Hatchet, but he's stays on the DL. ;x

11) The seventh of your OCs was put into the future! What will their job be?!?
xD Audree? She would probably be a cook, because that's what she's studying to be now, at Blanchard U. ;3 *made up college FTW ;o*

13) Do all your OCs live together or are they separated?
Oh, mai, they couldn't all live together. xD Skylar and Ric used to because they're half-siblings, but she took off when she was eighteen, leaving the poor Ricster. But Austin lives with Ric because he's his son (And Aussie's mother, Froze, who is not my character xD). Atone lived with his wife Honor (My chara), and his kids, Justice and Mercy (Mercy was not actually his. She was Honor's. xD;), but Justice kinda killed Honor and Atone...xDD And then Mercy killed Justice, then herself...etc...But Corinna and Rita live together in a dorm room, and so do Audree and Auden in a co-ed room. Hatchet's a drifter, he's by himself. xD

14) Are there any pairings that are in your OC list? (they can’t be with someone else's)
Justice's ghost and Hatchet kinda had a thing but not really. xD

15) Your sixth OC switched bodies with you for a day! How will they react at the end of the day?
xD Oh, jeez. Rita would starve me because she's an anorexic. She would also give me carpal tunnel from all the sketching she does all day. xD In her body, I would be flirting like crazy and making her look stupid, and then I would nom everything in sight and make her fat. 8D

16) Your last OC just became a fifteen year old. What do they do?
xD Be all like "WTF? D:<" and start killing people and crapz.

17) Now randomly select a person on your OC list. Who was it?

18) That OC you just chose? Yeah they think they are superman (even if they are a girl) and are on the roof about to jump off.
Atone: Psh. *snort* I would not do something so utterly ignorant. Are you mad?
Me: *pushes him off* Yer dead anyway ;D

19) Are any of your OCs bored of this meme?
Atone's P.O.'d and Justice is about ready to slice me up, or the one who made the meme. Audree's getting agitated. ;D

20) Would your second OC prefer the beach or the mountains?
Skylar would want the beach. ;D So she could show off her hot bod in a bikini.

21) Would your third OC battle a shark?
xD No. He would hide and beg for his daddy (Because his mom would tell him to a slightly less nicer way. xD)

22) Which OCs hate each other?
Ric doesn't hate anyone. Skylar doesn't hate them, either. Austin's too afraid to hate anyone. xD Atone hates everyone but somehow still loves his daughter, Justice. Corinna doesn't give a crap. Rita doesn't really care either way. Audree dislikes Skylar, but Auden loves everyone. Hatchet doesn't really care, either, except he kinda thinks Justice is cute. Justice hates everyone except maybe Hatchet.

23) Which OC did you create first? And last?
Ric = first. Hatchet = last.

25) And if those two were fighting, who would win?
Hatchet probably. ;D He would slice up shapeshifter-Ric.

26) Are your OCs fat or skinny?
Skinny. xD

27) What are your first 2 OC's favorite foods?
Ric loves sausage and rice while Skylar really loves peanut M&Ms.

28) If your listed OCs were in a fight to the death, who would emerge victorious?
Justice. xD She's a killing machine. And Hatchet, because he would be on her side.

29) There's a zombie attack and your OCs are stranded. Who do they elect to be their leader?
Justice, because she can cut a zombie.

30) During said zombie attack, who's the first to die?
Austin. D; Poor baby.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Trait Snapshot:

messy, irritable, depressed, fragile, worrying, emotionally sensitive, does not like to lead, phobic, weird, suspicious, low self control, paranoid, frequently second guesses self, dependent, unproductive, introverted, weak, strange, unassertive, submissive, familiar with the dark side of life, feels invisible, rash, vain, anti-authority, heart over mind, low self concept, disorganized, not good at saving money, avoidant, daydreamer, unadventurous

Stability results were very low which suggests you are extremely worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.

Orderliness results were very low which suggests you are overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense too often of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.

Extraversion results were medium which suggests you are moderately talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting.

xDDD Flash is right. I do sound like an emo kid that needs a hug.

xD And I'm smarter than 20%. :3 I'd like to think so.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

More Updates

Listening To: Glee on TV
Feeling: Happy/nervous

Well, I found a new guy to like at church. He's cute and around my age, and I don't know if he likes me, or thinks I'm cute, but he's adorable. x3 Here's to hoping everything goes well, and I'll post more later.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Listening To: The Ninja Glare by nigahiga
Mood: Satisfied O:
Just made myself a fried bologna sandwich, which my own mother won't even try. D: It hurts me. It tastes really awesome. But she never tries the food I make anyway. Ever. >3> Dad doesn't really, either.
Anyway, my phone did get there, all those days ago, but it only took two hours to charge, which made be ooze happiness all over the house. And I bouoght a Hello Kitty phone case on eBay...FROM HONG KONG. I will have a little piece of HONG KONG in my hands. *_* It said it would take 7-15 business days. It's been, like, four days. I'm hoping it'll come sooner than later. xD But it's really cute, though, so I'm trying to keep my patience.
Also, I can do the Ninja Glare hand move, but really slowly. xD I'm so white. ♥
Let's see...what else?
Listening To: Trouble by NeverShoutNever
Reminds me of how single I am (The song). D:
But anyway, I don't think there's anything much to talk about except I drew a couple of Japanese lolita girls (A couple of my original characters, use for my stories/books/roleplaying), Fuyu and Ritsuko. xD I can't even remember Fuyu's last name, though; she's a new character I just developed, like Skylar.
Listening To: Janedoe by NeverShoutNever
This is such a sweet song. ♥
I don't think there's much left to talk about, except I'm thinking of making Skylar my other character's long-lost sister (The character? Ricford "Ric" Hails. Ric is actually in my Sacrifice trilogy + The Path adjoining novelette, but his character is not really the same, so I might have to replace him with someone else so I can use him for something other than my roleplays).
Aww, Eli (yorkie) just squished himself over next to me, all, boyfriend-casually-putting-his-arm-over-your-shoulder-at-the-movies style. xD I think he thinks he's my boyfriend or something.
I love you, Eli, but not like that yo. D:
Listening To: Come Back Over by ReinaDelCid
I wish I could play guitar. And sing well. xD I can sing, and I guess I'm either terrible or okay, depending on who you ask. But apparently I sing very well in Japanese, and don't sound like myself. The problem is that I never sound bad to myself. xDD
Oh! Yeah, my aunt and cousin tried to set me up with this immature dork. My cousin dragged me to her house to her pool and dragged him there, and I swear he looked like he was about to faint when he saw me.
Listening To: Stairwell (Cover) by ReinaDelCid
He texted me like crazy on the way back home, asking me to be his girlfriend, calling me, all kinds of stupid things. He's some kind of stalker. O_O Because, apparently, the first date was me, my cousin, and him at her pool. Oh dear fudge.
Of course I said no to the girlfriend request, and when he and my cousin tried to set me and him up for a date next Friday, I called and told him I just wanted to be friends (I should've said I wanted no contact with him, because he's always texting me, asking what I'm doing and stuff. It's creepy).
He was not happy, but he said okay.
And now, he texted me, saying that we should go out again. I was like "Lol yeah you're my FRIEND and I still know nothing about u except that u mow lawns." FRIEND, you dork.
Let's meet up as FRIENDS.
And even that is a stretch. He's more like a stalker acquaintance.
Gee whiz.
Dad says I'm officially a heartbreaker now, though. So I got a title.